French labour law – desertion of its job (abandon de poste) = exclusion from the French unemployment insurance scheme


The bill on emergency measures relating to the functioning of the labor market with a view to full employment was adopted by the National Assembly on October 11, 2022 at first reading.

Amendment 393 of 30th September 2022 now appears in Article 1 bis A of the bill on emergency measures relating to the functioning of the labor market with a view to full employment.

1) The text of the amendment now Article 1 bis A of the bill on emergency measures relating to the functioning of the labor market with a view to full employment

The amendment provides for supplementing article 5 of the bill with a new article L. 1237-1-1 of the French labor code as follows

" Art. L. 1237-1-1 – The employee who has voluntarily abandoned his position and does not return to work after being given formal notice to this end, by registered letter or by letter delivered by hand against discharge, is presumed to have resigned.

An employee who disputes the termination of his employment contract on the basis of this presumption may appeal to the industrial tribunal.

The case is brought directly before the judgment office, which decides on the nature of the rupture and the associated consequences.

It decides on the merits within a period of one month following its referral.

A Conseil d'Etat decree shall determine the terms and conditions for the execution of this article. ".

2) Criticism of amendment no. 393 and of the new article L. 1237-1-1 of the labor code

This amendment no. 393 aims to exclude from the benefit of unemployment insurance employees dismissed for job abandonment.

Surprisingly, the amendment does not tend to modify the unemployment insurance agreement but the labor code.

According to this amendment, the employee who abandons his position would in the future be "presumed to have resigned".

He could then seize the industrial tribunal directly before the judgment office to have it judged that the breach amounts to a dismissal without cause.

And then obtain the Pole Emploi certificate, an essential key to obtaining Pole Emploi benefits.

In our view, this amendment is open to criticism for the following reasons:

To read all the article, please click on the link below


Amendement n°276 du 30 septembre 2022

Projet de loi portant mesures d’urgence relatives au fonctionnement du marché du travail en vue du plein emploi, n° 219

Projet de loi portant mesures d’urgence relatives au fonctionnement du marché du travail en vue du plein emploi.

Prise d’acte d’un chef de projet = licenciement nul en cas de forfait jours nul et de harcèlement moral (CA Versailles 3 nov. 2021),41149.html

Frédéric CHHUM avocat et ancien membre du conseil de l’ordre des avocats de Paris (mandat 2019-2021)

CHHUM AVOCATS (Paris, Nantes, Lille)


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