Covid-19 - French Employment law - Vaccination in companies by work doctors : how does it work? –CHHUM AVOCATS Law Office (Paris, Nantes, Lille)


The DGT (Direction Générale du Travail) first recalls that “in accordance with the recommendations of February 2, 2021 from the High Authority for Health (HAS), it was decided that as of February 25, 2021, the AstraZeneca vaccine would be used for the vaccination of people aged 50 to 64 included with co-morbidities ”.

In addition, "the health authorities have decided to make this possibility available to occupational physicians, who will be able to vaccinate volunteer employees from member companies that are part of the aforementioned target".

The DGT asks occupational physicians to respect the recommendations of the health authorities regarding the prioritization of target audiences in the vaccination campaign and to respect the ethical rules applying to any act of vaccination (respect for the consent of the person, medical confidentiality , etc ...)

Indeed, for all medical data collections, screenings or even here vaccination, respect for consent and medical confidentiality remain in place, even in these times of Covid-19.

See our article Collective screening for Covid-19 in a company: how does it work? (,37689.html).

To read all the article, please click on the link below


Protocol for vaccination by occupational physicians using the AstraZeneca (AZ) vaccine of February 16, 2021 (pdf)
Recommendation of the French National Authority for Health (HAS) of February 2, 2021 entitled "Vaccination strategy against Covid-19 - Place of Covid-19 Vaccine Astra Zeneca"

Frédéric CHHUM avocat et membre du conseil de l’ordre des avocats de Paris (mandat 2019-2021)

CHHUM AVOCATS (Paris, Nantes, Lille)
.Paris: 34 rue Petrelle 75008 Paris tel: 0142560300
.Nantes: 41, Quai de la Fosse 44000 Nantes tel: 0228442644
.Lille: 25, rue Gounod 59000 Lille tel: 0320135083


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